21 December 2010

fière décadence


  1. there's a kind of defiance or assertiveness in this image which fits with half your title, i don't know if i see the decadence - if i understand the french. it's a color palette that seems like it shouldn't work for a face, but somehow it does. there's an odd kind of triumph in this image - it might also be release from this world - could be the stillness after violence. i'd seen this before but there was a lot to see and say when i started to comment!

  2. i was in the middle of violence, supposed to be still like a rock, fierce but non the less decaying and loosing (sur)face.
    maybe i've been too direct in my interpretation

  3. that's not too direct, that's it - my eyes and mind went off in several directions at once. there's a kind of shroud effect, too, which could be either a burial cloth or sacred garment - could be both - but the decaying/loosing is clear.

    oh wait a moment, the words, english "decadence" is different from english "decay" - and i don't know which the french is closer too - i believe i misread the title.

    i think it's a great image, btw - don't mean to talk too much.

  4. i mislead you, decadence is the same in both languages, i was just referring to me going totally crazy in some periods, in a somehow "decadent" way. i thought of decay and one thing lead to another :D you know how the mind wanders.

    yes for the burial cloth, i guess i wanted to know how it feels.

  5. that wandering makes sense :nod: this is a fine image, i'm glad it's in the book.

  6. not a wandering

    but an intentional disassociative intent from one reality to another

    conflicting and yet harmonious

  7. tending to harmony, a little different.
    under the surface, acid. see it?

  8. oh, mon dieu!!! je tombe sur le cul!!!! c'est superbe!!! je sais que j'utilise souvent ce mot pour parler de ton art mais je le pense! tu es un génie, et ceci est simplement merveilleux!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! quelque chose de l'indécence de la sainte-thérèse du Bernin, à la façon provocante d'une Orlan....... et les couleurs......... oh, il faut que je te regarde travailler un jour, je pourrais???? je suis envoutée et jalouse, je te vénère. lol bon ok j'exagère UN PEU mais à peine!!!

  9. :D :D j'aime bien quand tu exagere!!

    celle-la, t'aurais pu me regarder la faire, en effet. j'etais tout pres de chez toi quand je l'ai faite.

    olala, tu es bonne pour le moral ;)
