31 December 2010

happy new year, my 14 followers! and fuck you, last year (excuse my language)

black, over me, and inside. a lot of black.
red wall... red is important for my balance. too much contrast, too much saturated red. therapeutic, i tell you.
not to mention love, and death, and passion. and broken hearts. poor people, they never learn


  1. well, someone had to tell 2010 that, it deserved it!

    i'll get caught up today on what i've missed here at your blog.

    i like this photo a lot - you and the wall continue to have things to say.

    and i'm happy to be among the 14!

  2. oh yes! and i have a tendency to being too direct when i'm sleep-deprived.
    happy to have you here. (hug)

  3. we are clouds...sometimes hovering over pain, waiting for the wind

  4. we sometimes rain, we sometimes just float there.

  5. superbe, quel rouge RICHE! la richesse du coeur, de ton grand coeur, qui ressent avec intensité; la souffrance, oui, mais toute la gamme des émotions, j'en suis sûre :) xXx je te souhaite une excellente année 2011!!!

  6. l'intensité, c'est bon pour l'art, au moins :)
    merci ma chere, j'aime ton grand coeur, ta generosité aussi <3

  7. O MY!.
    I try not to log in ...otherwise I get trapped in cyber-space oblivion . but when you make it so hard for me to not comment!...to not shout out loud how much your work affects me...well--all laziness aside--I must log in. girl!!!!!!....power to ya!.

  8. and you make me happy every time you come, with your heart felt words, and your way of not holding back.
    can i say here how much i love you!?
