27 August 2019

meet my new friend

...the magician, AKA the bartender, AKA the math genius, who showed me a dozen magical tricks, who offered me a paper flower and a rotten lemon, who knows how to make shots with an octopus in it, how to make a can stand on one leg and how to do complicated math additions of five 3 digits numbers in a few seconds. he says he visualize them in his head. amazing! and oh, he made me watch crappy charming overhead projections of videos from the 50's till the 80's and i helped him bargaining to buy a cat online for his girlfriend's birthday. we bought it in the end! :D
i met him Sunday, i was taking photos of his bar from the street and he came out and invited me for some peanuts and a lemonade on the house and i ended by staying almost 4 hours there. all by myself!! :O (first time in my life, obviously) but the camera is a good friend to take out at night, it seems.


  1. :-D

    what a great story, what a fun night!

    1. yes it was! :D and like i said in my note, i met interesting people too.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. ...and I deleted your comment by error :lol:

      yes to the octopus shot, i asked him if i should drink kit and he said absolutely no, it's too strong.
      i ended up with a vodka, like usual.
