12 August 2019

the double-double

i just realized no one could see the double double selfie so i'm posting this, too. because why not.
check out the mirror in the back.
let's call it street photography ;)


  1. it does take sometime to understand which way things are in the back mirror compared to what can be seen in the large picture -:)which is another mirror(: double mirrors create some interesting effects .beautiful panoramic wiew of the room , and you too

    1. thanks!! it's a panoramic view of a small part of the room. intelligent folks, mirrors everywhere :) cozy is nice but there's a fine line between cozy and claustrophobic

  2. Replies
    1. maybe i could start looking for shots like this.
      night street photography. people don't see you, so you're less self conscious. and you don't get yelled at!
      the mirror game, my favorite lately!

  3. There are many people in this poem
    and all of them are glad to be here

    There are good-looking men and attractive women
    They are all well-groomed and neatly dressed

    There is music in this poem, an electric violinist is playing
    "My Favorite Things" with syncopation, making it swing

    There are mirrors facing other mirrors in this poem,
    because reflection is one of the things that poems are for

    The mirrors in this poem show some people
    who cannot be seen without looking in the mirror

    You can be in this poem too. It has room for everyone
    Come on in!

    Step up to the bar and order anything you like,
    drinks are on the house in this poem!

    It is someone's birthday in this poem and now the whole poem
    is going to wish her happy birthday all at once!

    Happy birthday! Applause from everyone in the poem!

    1. it's a crazy poem, let's admit it! :D

      drinks on the house, anybody can come? wow

    2. tonight only! the poem will balance the books another night! lol
