03 August 2010

are you suffering

Are you suffering from the curse of the good girl?
little miss perfect, are you suffering ?!


  1. wow, Hanan, the selfs are perfectly suited to the collage, visually and in mood. i like the bottom one especially - your face is so calm, even beatific, but the veiling over your eyes poses questions. the middle one too, to me it combines distortion with directness. <3

    (btw, your editor tells me that "suffering" is misspelled in the title of the post)

  2. i have these ones for a long time, they needed that collage to balance them, you saw it well.

    (:D and tell my editor thanks! what would i do without him?)

  3. i passed that along, the editor said :D and <3 !

  4. Hanan i'm suffering..........
    and i love this collage, as you know, and i love these new selfportraits. i made some selves yesterday, and i thought of you. and i wish i was good at anything at all :cries: i suck at photography booohoooooooooo

    ok sorry i had to say it!

  5. those are old ones, just not posted.
    and don't worry i can relate very well, i tried a self portrait session yesterday. got only one image out of hundreds.
    seems to be more and more difficult. as for collages, it's been a long while.

    besides, i trust you, you'll get over this unproductive period. and me too. <3

  6. yea.......... i just have so many ideas and i can't focus... so frustrating... j'aimerais apprendre les techniques un peu mieux aussi, pas faire juste du low-fi et du lomo.. mais je suis pas douée.................... bouhouuuuuuuuu oh well je devrais soit me résigner ou travailler plus fort mais là! les jours de pluie, i can't think straight anyway.

  7. tout est mieux que la chaleur etouffante d'ici...
    tu sais, la technique n'est vraiment pas difficile a apprendre, pour moi le plus difficile reste l'inspiration, les idees et surtout des sujets, des modeles...

  8. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BtAij_c2GaQ/TFglHqpbB8I/AAAAAAAAATU/1qyDW4utwGU/s1600/screen.jpg
    do you realize how good your work is?

    I hope you get to print them...real nice with giclee process...and get them hung on real walls.

  9. i hope too.

    thanks Stef for seeing all this tonight
    you always know how to make me feel better!(hug)

  10. ah, i wish i knew how to make you feel better too, but i'm not good at this. the only thing i can do well is listen, but it's not always enough. i hope you know that if you need an ear... :)

  11. Isabelle, just to know you're here makes me feel better.

    parfois j'ai une certaine pudeur a le repeter trop de fois en public, tu es l'une des rares qui font une difference.
    l'amitie, meme virtuelle, compte beaucoup pour moi, tu as du le remarquer deja :)

    donc il ne faut plus dire ca <3

  12. ^^ dac <3 tant mieux, bien contente de le lire!

  13. these are amazing... the collage blow my mind right out me ears.

  14. :D
    brings a big smile!
    and a pleasure to hear. thanks Dafydd <3
