22 August 2010

bend like a willow

as Laura says, BEND like a willow.

...a very wise person, Laura.


  1. the top image is already emotional, and then the face gives even more feeling. i also have to say - perfect alignment of the right side of the bottom tree with the left side of the upper tree. i love stuff like that.

  2. now trying triptychs :)
    I'm glad how they worked out well together, both in lines and feelings.

  3. Laura does indeed seem wise, but as the man says - and i paraphrase a little - "don't trust something that's so bent it cannot break"

    as for this trip/, there ain't a whole lot i can say that hasn't already been said - except that that middle image scares the bejeesus out of me.

  4. bending is just a state i wan't to reach, because "justement" i'm afraid of breaking.
    ...much risk, so i try to work on my bending abilities.
    yay, i scared you!!!
    :D sorry, but i'm happy i did.

  5. like a shatter proof ruler ;)

    i'm feeling more and more skittish these days. must be because i can't understand anyone here
